Who is a phlebologist?

Phlebologist is a doctor specializing in venous diseases, their diagnosis, treatment and further prevention. Professional consultation with a phlebologist will help to identify and diagnose the following vascular diseases in time: varicose veins, post-thrombotic disease, angiodysplasia, phlebopathy and others.

Who is the phlebologist consultation indicated for?

Usually, varicose veins disease, at an early stage of development, manifests itself only in the form of a cosmetic defect, however, the development of the disease can lead to serious complications. In the development of varicose veins disease, hereditary weakness of the venous wall plays a huge role. Also, do not forget about other risk factors, in particular pregnancy, standing work, sharp physical activity, etc. The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that for a long time the patient may not feel much discomfort in the legs, however, there will always be a threat of various complications. That is why a timely consultation with a phlebologist will help to identify the disease in the early stages, and most importantly, to avoid irreversible consequences and complications.

In addition to the acute form of varicose veins, today phlebologists are increasingly meeting with the chronic course of this disease. Regardless of whether you can see swollen, sinuous veins on your legs, thickened varicose veins, similar to grape bunches, or the first spider veins and migrating burning pain have just appeared, a phlebologist's consultation will help you make an accurate diagnosis, and, if necessary, carry out preventive and therapeutic therapy.

How is a phlebologist consultation going?

Phlebologist consultation consists of several stages. At the first visit, the doctor will collect an anamnesis (a detailed history of the onset and treatment of the disease, cases of vascular diseases in close relatives, previous examination methods, including ultrasound, CT, MRI, laboratory tests and other tests that were performed on the patient at the time of the initial visit).
The second stage is an objective physical examination, during which the doctor will necessarily examine the lower extremities, determine the level of arterial pulsation, check the symptoms and signs of neurological or musculoskeletal pathology characteristic of thrombosis.
During the third stage, an ultrasound examination of the veins and arteries of the lower extremities will be performed using additional imaging techniques. Ultrasound - examination will enable the doctor to establish the exact cause of the disease, to visualize the sites of vascular blockages or inoperative venous valves.
The fourth and final stage of receiving a phlebologist is drawing up a further plan for further examination and treatment. At this stage, the doctor can send for additional examination or analyzes with justification of the appropriateness of their implementation. Also, the doctor will determine the treatment plan based on the results of the physical examination and ultrasound. Depending on the stage of the disease, the doctor will suggest you:
• surgical treatment of acute surgical pathology;
• minimally invasive treatment (endovascular techniques);
• radiofrequency or laser correction of the saphenous veins.
In addition, preventive methods to prevent the progression of the disease to healthy veins will be specified.

Advantages of phlebologist consultation

With us, you can count on complete confidentiality, a wide range of services, the latest diagnostic and treatment equipment, and most importantly - an individual approach to each patient.
During the consultation with a phlebologist at the RomyTal laser aesthetics center, the following diagnostic procedures can be performed:

Instrumentation and equipment

Various medical instruments and equipment can be used during the consultation. It all depends on the problem with which the patient addressed, the state of its severity and location.

The result of a phlebologist consultation

After consulting a phlebologist, you will receive a complete understanding of the causes and mechanism of the disease, the recommended treatment plan and you will be able to familiarize yourself with a set of measures aimed at preventing vascular diseases of the lower extremities.


How to prepare for a phlebologist consultation?

No special preparation is required for admission. However, it is recommended to take with you an extract from the medical history (if any), the results of previous appointments of vascular surgeons, data on vascular studies and analyzes. General recommendations may be as follows:

wear shoes that can be easily removed,
wear comfortable clothing that does not hinder movement.
How to understand that you need to go to a phlebologist?

Symptoms signaling the need to consult a phlebologist:

spider veins appeared on the legs;
varicose veins are clearly visible under the skin;
swelling of the legs and feet, often occurring in the evening and disappearing in the morning;
night cramps in the calf muscles;
darkening of the skin in the area of ​​the inner ankle;
pain in the lower extremities;
heaviness in the legs;
trophic ulcers in the area of ​​the inner ankle.
If you find yourself with one of the above symptoms, then professional advice from a phlebologist is extremely necessary for you!


Услуга Цена, грн
Consultation with a phlebologist 750

Cпециалисты направления

Oleksiy Skrynnyk

Surgeon, phlebologist, ultrasound specialist

Звездилина Людмила Стратонівна

Гармаш Наталія Анатоліївна

Advantages of RomiTal clinic