Surgical treatment of premature ejaculation

Що таке оперативне лікування передчасного сім'явиверження

Premature ejaculation is a type of sexual dysfunction that consists in the inability to control the ejaculation of semen to the extent necessary for both partners to experience satisfaction from sexual contact. This is a common problem that affects more than 20% of men. If ejaculation occurs early, i.e. with minimal sexual stimulation, before, during or immediately after the introduction of the penis into the vagina - we are talking about premature ejaculation.

Who is indicated for surgical treatment of premature ejaculation

A violation can occur due to:

  •  hypersensitivity of the glans penis. More than 90% of cases of premature ejaculation are associated with this factor. Hypersensitivity can be congenital, or acquired (after suffering from inflammation of the genitourinary system);
  •  chronic stress at work;
  •  physical fatigue or overexertion;
  •  imbalance of thyroid hormones;
  •  deficiency of magnesium and zinc;
  •  Injuries to the lumbar and groin area.

A man with premature ejaculation:

  •  stops relaxing and getting pleasure during intercourse;
  •  suffers from low self-esteem;
  •  loses self-confidence;
  •  avoids sexual intercourse;
  •  has trouble conceiving.

If you have at least one of the above signs, then you should seek help from a doctor and, possibly, carry out surgical treatment of premature ejaculation.


How is the surgical treatment of premature ejaculation done?

Under local or general anesthesia, doctors cut the nerves to the head of the penis. Depending on the degree of the problem, denervation can be:

  •  complete - the intersection of all nerves without suturing with maximum loss of sensitivity;
  •  partial - nerve fibers are selectively dissected without subsequent stitching;
  •  conventional - nerve fibers are selectively dissected, and some of them are re-stitched with non-absorbable material.

A 10% lidocaine solution is applied to the head of the penis in order to test for hypersensitivity. If, after the action of the anesthetic, the erection remains increased in time, then surgery is performed.
Thanks to this, a normal ejaculatory reflex is formed, and the patient is able to control the duration of intercourse, and the head becomes less sensitive.

The purpose of any surgical technique is to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis, as well as to form an adequate ejaculatory reflex, in which ejaculation will not occur prematurely. With the ineffectiveness of the therapy and the patient's persistent desire to have prolonged intercourse, falloprosthetics is indicated.

Advantages of surgical treatment of premature ejaculation

As a result of the procedure, the sensitivity of the glans penis decreases and the quality of sexual life improves. Surgical treatment has no side effects, providing a high clinical effect.

To carry out this operation, the latest technology is used, due to which blood loss is reduced, the operated surface is sterilized, soreness is minimized, the time of intervention and recovery period is reduced, tissue edema is excluded.

Instrumentation and equipment

Instrumentation and equipment

The result of surgical treatment of premature ejaculation

It is important to evaluate the result after the operation. If intercourse lasted 2-3 times longer than usual, then the result of the operation is satisfactory. If this effect does not occur, then it is likely that there will be a need for drug therapy.

As a result of this procedure, the sensitivity of the head of the penis decreases, and an adequate ejaculatory reflex is formed. The quality of sexual life improves. A man is able to control the duration of sexual intercourse and the process of ejaculation itself.

The operation makes it possible to quickly achieve a positive result.

Postoperative and recovery periods

The patient is not hospitalized because in a few hours he can return home. After denervation, it is necessary to visit a doctor for dressings.
Before the operation, a man who has a disease is required to undergo a specialist consultation.
Personal hygiene must be carefully monitored. It is recommended to have sexual intercourse two weeks after surgery.


Why is surgery necessary for premature ejaculation?

Folk remedies used at home are often not effective. Surgery is the most effective way to get rid of early ejaculation. The method of temporary denervation of the penis allows you to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, and the period that takes to restore the sensitivity of the head of the penis is sufficient to form a stable ejaculatory reflex for prolonged intercourse.

How to diagnose premature ejaculation in a clinic?

The final diagnosis of "premature ejaculation" is made by a urologist based on the results of the following clinical studies:

  •  laboratory analyzes;
  •  biotensiometry;
  •  vasoactive test;
  •  dopplerography;
  •  Ultrasound of the prostate gland.


Premature ejaculation (ejaculation).


The man himself controls the duration of the sexual act. Before surgery: moral, psychological and physical dissatisfaction as a result of uncontrolled ejaculation. After the operation: intercourse lasts 2-3 times longer and under the complete control of the man.

Advantages of method

The sensitivity of the glans penis decreases and the quality of sex life improves. The procedure has no side effects and is highly effective.

Can be combined with

With plastic bridle, excision of the foreskin

Instruments and equipments

Various medical instruments and equipment

Time of the surgery

Продолжительность процедуры

30 minutes to 1.5 hours

Cпециалисты направления

Нашеда Сергей Васильевич

Urologist, Surgeon Doctor of the highest category. 12 years of experience A urologist, surgeon has been working in the field of urology and andrology for more than ten years. Engaged in scientific activities, has the highest category in medicine. Surgical and conservative methods treat inflammatory diseases

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