What is buttock liposuction

Attractive and firm buttocks are every woman's dream. But often it remains elusive.
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from problem areas of the body. Liposuction reduces the volume and shapes the body. However, this is not a slimming method, it is a body sculpting method. An ideal slim body can be achieved only in combination: surgery, proper nutrition and physical activity. Liposuction is used to remove localized fat deposits from areas of the body that are difficult to reduce with diet and exercise.
The purpose of liposuction is to reduce the number of fat cells in a specific area. The amount of fat removed depends on the person's appearance, weight, and fat volume. The resulting contour changes are constant unless your weight increases significantly.

Who is liposuction of the buttocks indicated for?

What can be achieved with buttock liposuction:

emphasize the contours of the gluteal muscles;
change the shape of the buttocks;
eliminate asymmetry;
visually tighten the buttocks.
Liposuction is also performed at the request of the client.

Most often, patients seek help for buttock liposuction in the following cases:

disproportionate figure;
excess fat in the buttocks and thighs;
pronounced cellulite.

How is liposuction of the buttocks done?

Before the procedure, the doctor makes the markup and you discuss with him what you expect from the operation. It is also necessary to tell about your life history, past or existing illnesses, allergies and pass a preoperative test package to avoid risks and complications.

Before the liposuction procedure, the surgeon can mark circles and lines on the areas of the body that need to be treated. The surgeon injects a sterile solution - a mixture of salt water that promotes the elimination of fat, an anesthetic (lidocaine) to relieve pain, and a drug (adrenaline), which causes vasoconstriction. The liquid mixture causes the affected area to swell and shrink. The surgeon then makes small incisions in your skin and inserts a thin tube called a cannula under your skin. The cannula is connected to a vacuum that sucks fat and fluid out of your body.

The operation takes from 1 to 3:00, depending on the amount of fat removal. Sometimes the surgery is performed under local anesthesia limited to a specific area of ​​the body. It is important to inform the surgeon about the sensations and in case of painful sensations, the dose of anesthetic is adjusted. Sometimes surgery requires general anesthesia. The operating team monitors heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen levels throughout the entire procedure.

Advantages of buttock liposuction

In our clinic, you can be guaranteed to count on the following advantages of this procedure:

3-D body modeling using a device unique in Ukraine
Liposuction on the face and body
Modern apparatus for vibrating liposuction
Lack of unevenness on the skin
Faster rehabilitation and less bruising and swelling
Quality compression garments for rehabilitation
Single VIP rooms
24-hour hospital

Instrumentation and equipment

Depending on the chosen method of operation (vacuum, tumescent, laser, ultrasonic, water-jet), a variety of medical equipment can be used. Common to all techniques is anesthesia, pain reliever, cannula (through which medical equipment can be accessed).

Liposuction result of buttocks

The final result is expected in a few months. The volumes will be significantly reduced, and the body contour will be more slender. The skin in the liposuction area may sag somewhat. To avoid this, you should take a course of massages. For the result to be long-term, it is important to control weight. You should not give up visiting the gym and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Postoperative and recovery periods

Pain in the liposuction area, hematoma and edema - may be 1-2 weeks after the procedure. The surgeon will prescribe pain relievers to help control it, antibiotics and ointments to rule out complications and shorten the rehabilitation period. During the rehabilitation period, it is imperative to wear tight compression clothing for several weeks to reduce swelling and avoid complications. A course of massages is also shown.

They return to the usual rhythm of life in a few days. But physical exercise, swimming pools and saunas should be excluded for several weeks until complete healing. During this period, some contour irregularities are possible until the adipose tissue is formed in a new way.


What are the contraindications for this procedure?

The procedure will not be performed if the following indicators are present:

Chronic and infectious diseases;
Cardiovascular diseases;
Poor blood clotting;
Impaired liver or kidney function;
Pregnancy and lactation.
How many kilograms / centimeters can be removed in one procedure?

In one session, you can remove from 3 to 5 liters of fat. In some situations, it is possible to remove 7 liters. This threshold is negotiated in advance by the doctor on an individual basis.


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Cпециалисты направления

Petah Andrej Vasil'evich

Plastic surgeon, МD

Grishin Evgeny Leonidovich

Трембач Александр Михайлович

Oncosurgeon, Plastic Surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Лавриненко Наталья Николаевна

Пластическая и эстетическая хирургия, инъекционная косметология

Звездилина Людмила Стратонівна

Гармаш Наталія Анатоліївна

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