What is chin contouring?

This is an injection correction of the volume and shape of the chin by injecting fillers based on hyaluronic acid. The procedure lasts on average from 30 to 50 minutes. There is practically no recovery period, and the effect will last from 9 months to 4 years. During this time, the filler is independently absorbed and excreted from the body in a natural way without harm to health.

Who is chin contouring indicated for?

This procedure is recommended for those who have one or more factors from the list below:
• asymmetry of the face, formed due to the displacement of the chin;
• disproportionately small chin or lower jaw;
• not delineated or having unexpressed chin;
• lack of volume of the soft tissues of the chin;
• the presence of dimples, a split chin;
• a large accumulation of fat in the chin area;
• deformational changes, violation of proportionality and clarity of the lower part of the face.

How is chin contouring done?

Having come to the injection correction of the chin, the doctor will examine your problem areas and mark the points on the skin with a pencil. After removing make-up, you can immediately start beauty injections, or apply an anesthetic and wait 10-15 minutes. The filler is inserted with the thinnest needle, thus minimizing the risk of puffiness. After the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic. Also, the doctor will give advice on care. The procedure is completely painless and does not bring any discomfort.

Advantages of chin contouring

• the result is immediately visible;
• full compatibility of fillers with the skin and no side effects;
• absence of traces from the procedure;
• compatibility with other cosmetic techniques;
• versatility in terms of eliminated defects;
• the procedure does not require special preparation from the patient.

Instrumentation and equipment

During the procedure, an antiseptic, anesthetic cream, an individually selected filler, and a syringe with the finest needle are used.


Chin contouring:
• will add volume to the lower third (with insufficient chin volume);
• harmonizes the proportions of the face;
• smooth out dimples on the chin;
• will eliminate asymmetry;
• strengthens the oval of the face.

Postoperative and recovery periods

Immediately after the procedure, you may experience slight redness in the area of ​​filler injection, which will disappear in 15-20 minutes.
On the first day it is prohibited:
• wrinkle the chin, show excessive facial expressions;
• rub and massage the chin;
• wet the chin and apply decorative cosmetics on it;
• carry out any cosmetic procedures on the chin.
The next three days are not recommended:
• take blood thinners;
•    exercise;
• massage the chin.
For two weeks, it is necessary to exclude trips to the bathhouse, sauna, hot bath.


What are the contraindications for chin contouring?

the presence of damage to the upper skin;
inflammatory or infectious diseases in the acute stage;
epilepsy, diabetes mellitus;
the presence of chronic diseases in an acute form;
tendency to form keloid scars;
pregnancy, feeding;
blood disease;
allergic reactions to filler components.
At what age is chin contouring recommended?

It is recommended to do injection correction of the chin from the age of 25 or as age-related changes appear that cannot be corrected with care products.

Cпециалисты направления

Лавриненко Наталья Николаевна

Пластическая и эстетическая хирургия, инъекционная косметология

Tupchij Elena Aleksandrovna

Дерматолог, врач 1 кат, мезотерапевт

Kompaniec Irina Anatol'evna

Дерматокосметолог, ін'єкційна косметологія

Звездилина Людмила Стратонівна

Гармаш Наталія Анатоліївна

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